Monday, December 17, 2012

Recycled Metal Mosaic - Jill Helms

Recycled Metal Mosaic and mirror made out of pop cans
My favorite thing about this "Metal Mosaic" (don't you just love that combo?) would have to be the fins on the orange and red fish at the top. The silver used there says "beautiful". Along with the other colors thrown makes it look as if it were glimmering as fish actually do in the water. The blue, green, and purple here that  represent the ocean water colors is very cool I think because it's not JUST blue or just a sea like green. The ocean color match the style of the fish here; very colorful. Noticing the bit of green used on the bottom fish, very nice.  Creative and well thought out. We like :D

Koi Fish Mirror
Lone Fish! His eyes are pretty awesome looking he looks wild with those eyes. Like a real fish. I love all the different shades of blue used here. The bubbles are really cool The biggest one being a mirror. I love his lips! They are different than the ones above. The lemon on his back is hilarious. This little guy is so cool. :)
I guess that nothing say love more than art! Black and red together always a good combo (what color does black not make look more awesome?) Cherry soda, Cocoa Cola, and Dr. Pepper.  And others I'm not familiar with. One thing that I like about this is that it draws your attention to the fact that not only is color important here but also the blocks pieced together to make everything harmonize.

Yellow Bird Mirror- Pretty time consuming, but it turned out really nice!
I love the bird here, he's so cute.With his pretty bright orange and yellow feather along with a small amount of red. Some of the metal used on his back and belly has a textured appearance (Very similar looking to actual bird feathers on those parts of a bird) which looks great while helping the bird look more real. My favorite thing on here would have to be the branch, its shape is very realistic looking also the browns that were chosen are fabulous. I really like how the squares closer to the branch are green and all of them have a leaf-like theme or feel to imply that the branch is not bare.
Mosaics made from pop cans
Love again <3. The background has such a pretty hue of purple. The wavy metal, the purple, orange-red, and turquoise combination all scream 60's style :D The little circle with the curly colorful metal sticking out is too cute. And I LOVE the way the word IoVe was displayed here.

3rd grade
Another 60's style Metal Mosaic. I really like how many colors included here. And how they change gradually pretty smooth for metal, right? lol and LOOK it's says Lemonade! ( : I noticed that first about this little work of art. I'm sure that it was cut out on purpose now I'm not too sure what they call that in this particular branch of art but in quilting it's called "Fussy Cutting" (Thanks Mom ( ; )

fish mosaic
The blue and green metal used on this fish is really cool because of the wavy look that it has that water-like look (perfect for fish). I like how he has a yellow underbelly and how the fins are silver and green. Also how the little orange circles were put against that blue, super pretty.
Jill Helms makes the most beautiful mosaics from soda cans!  Her eye for color and composition is wonderful!
I love this one! It might be my favorite because of how many different colors are used in the petals, leaves, and background. All of the different shades are much more appealing than using one solid color or even just two. The greens and yellows on the leaves, the blues, purples, silver-white, and even a little red in the back drop and the petals with all of it's warm colors oranges a ton of yellows, again a little red and in the very middle a mirror. This one is so gorgeous to me.The colors are so rich.

Well, that is that! I have nearly stripped Miss Jill Helms website of her lovely "Recycled Metal Mosaic" collection. See? Beautiful AND green :D.  If you would like to see some of her lovely paintings and collages you can just click HERE. Thank you for reading. I enjoyed making this post. Miss Helms seem to be a very nice person and her art is beautiful.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Abstract Art - Shawn McNulty

Whenever I observe a painting I go through a short process that helps me to decide how I feel about it. First there is a general glance over it and I think do I like this or not? Then there is a deeper look with the thought in mind what is it exactly that I like or dislike about this painting? Which calls for close attention to details, colors, how the painting makes me feel, and lastly I decide how much I like it, if at all. Sometimes I'll like only half of a painting or just a particle of it. With this type of art (abstract) I find myself becoming partial to the particular colors that are chosen very often.

Anywho, discussing what we have down below! Of course I wouldn't post about any art that I didn't like and man , did I snag a lot from Mr. McNulty's website right here but I'm sure he won't mind because that's a compliment, right? Right! I came across his site when I just typed up abstract art into Google and something great eventually came up. Ahh, this makes me happy I am feeling as if I've found a great treasure. It was extremely difficult for me to not pick out a vast amount of paintings to share. I started off with a lot more (over 50) and had to eliminate quite a few. Which is funny because I still feel that there are too many paintings displayed here but I couldn't help it.

Also, I really really dislike all of the people who have bought this art  especially those who are responsible for all of those sold out labels. I mean, seriously, I wanted to have those -_-  Maybe some years from now when I'm older I'll have a few (few is a sad and small word) in my house :D Yep! That's comforting. To all of those people who have bought the coveted art you are forgiven. 
"I pardon you" hehe Amon ;)

fairbanks abstract landscape painting light blue white 24 x 24"
I just adore this one, the blue chosen here is spectacular! The hints of a deeper blue intermingled with a little green and gray really catch my eye.  Take a look at the mostly white upper half with hints of orange and red. I'm in love it, it's so beautiful and calm. This painting makes me think of one word in particular and that is contentment. Maybe that is because I'm content with it. Although this one, named Fairbanks, is first it was one of the last ones added. And it is my favorite (I think).

abstract paintings scandal
This one is called Scandal and it's beautiful. The black block in the middle I like very much because of that beautiful shade of green and the blue near the base that could remind one of windows or the reflection that water gives. The white at the base of the actual painting is very well put with the very light adding of color. As for the red strip on the right haha I really love how it looks as if it has wallpaper peeling off of the wall. 

abstract paintings rigor Shawn McNulty
The pink square is very pretty. The two red squares are very loud with darker touches and I praise them for it. The bottom white rectangle has my eye with the subtle red at the base of it along with what looks like a brick colored brown. The white square above it also shares the beauty of added color Also the blue, gray, and green square (right above the larger red square) I really like because of the mixed look that it has and I'm quite sure that there is a name for that technique but I don't know what it is called. But the name of the painting is named Rigor.
conjure - black green abstract painting by Shawn McNulty
This painting appeals to me because of how dark it is. It reminds me of night time in a town. It is called Conjure. The teal in this painting is wonderful (now I know why my dear friend Autumn just loves teal[Go Autumn!]). That little splash of purple (some say violet I like purple) adds a little extra interest to the painting because of the fact that it's a loner. I really like it there, it took me a while to decide if I like it but I came to the decision that I do like it. (^.^) I also like how dark the black on the bottom half is it brings out that the black on the upper half isn't quite so dark. And I really love that red slash at the bottom right corner that was nicely put with the yellow window.
Arcade | Collage, Pumice, Acrylic, and Oil on Canvas | Red, Blue, Gray Abstract Painting
This one is called Arcade. It makes me feel as if I'm alive in wartime and I'm not sure where to go. Perhaps it does that because of the colors used here and their placings, it's a bit edgy. I love how on the right hand there is more color with reds, yellows, oranges, and blues, while on the left hand there is black, beige, white, brown, grays, and a little blood red. But the left is still louder and bigger. On the right the yellow block looks as if it's turned on it's side it looks kitcheny. 
abstract landscape modern art yellow blue | Hay
This double set is called Hay. This one makes me think of a safari party more cartoony though like Madagascar. I love the shades of green used here very beautiful. The bright red that is spread lightly throughout the paintings is very becoming. Wow, I love that blue it's isn't purple but it would remind you of purple. I really love how the black that is in the middle isn't straight and even it dips slightly in some places and is smudged along the top in various areas.
plantain - abstract green yellow painting 
Name: Plantain (^.^) You know, I don't care for plantain (starchy bananas ew) but I do care for this painting. I love that little blue guy there in the gray hat with a tad bit of green on it? Also on the right in the black block there is a square that is scratchy looking it is so nice looking, don't you think. It stands out to me I wouldn't mind having a whole painting that looked just like that little piece.
mesmerize blue green abstract art painting canvas
This painting is called Mesmerize. It reminds me of a town that just recently encountered a blizzard because of the way that the bottom of the painting looks. The little bit of orange on the left and the smidge of purple on the right of that orange I really like. Plus all of the blue here.
interest abstract painting
Interest is the name of this painting and it is interesting. That pink square is beautiful. The fire colored square at the bottom on the left is great with it's dark brown and white-gray highlights.The gray next to it looks as if it may have a little green on the upper left half of it. I also really like that smoky black rectangle. The off white block looks awesome with the textured look that it has the brighter white and darker colors spread throughout it. Also how the large gray block is brushed a little into the pink square.
vagabond 2 abstract painting red orange 30x30 
This painting and the two that follow are all apart of a set named Vagabond. Red really does well with me. What I love about this set is how loud it is. All of them scream "pay attention to me!" "take a closer look" They have a lot of depth lots of different hues of orange and red. Beautiful paintings.
vagabond1 abstract painting red orange 30x30
The bit of blue in here I like very much because of how little is used and that choice of blue is very appealing. 
vagabond #1 abstract painting red orange 30 x 30
I have to mention that when I showed both my mom and dad this painting they both said  "I see a pair of pants in there" Which was very funny to me. Something that I like about this painting is the black used in it is very tastefully done. This one makes me think of fire more than the other two.
ragged glory abstract art canvas red landscape painting 30x30
I like this painting as a whole but what I really like is the top half of it I just adore that style. This art has led me to realize that I love Pumice! (: This one is called Ragged Glory. I don't mean this in a bad way but hehe it looks a bit ragged.
A bit funky and very fun looking. That purple on the right caught my eye and the turquoise mixed in with black at the bottom on the same right is very pretty. The green block that has a very light pink on it and a little bit of red around it is cool looking because it's so funky. The name of it is Harbor.
ripley - purple violet abstract painting art blue circle 30x30"
The purples in this painting are so rich and gorgeous along with the blues.  Is this real? On the left it looks like a hand holding a bottle of water. The colors are married well to each other in this painting. The name of it is Ripley.
cranberry abstract art painting red brown white 24 x 24"
Ahh now this one is Beautiful. I was sitting here trying to discern which part of this painting the Cranberry should I point out based on what I favored, but you know what? I like all of it a lot The white above is stunning! The red strip in the middle :D Have I mentioned how much I like a deep rich red? With it's cute little white (looks like stairs) added along with the black. And the below all of that brown with hints of orange, a little blue, green, and dark green.
Contemporary Paintings Blue Orange Art Stallion
The orange in here I really love along with the black. The soft blue background is so calming alone but when the other colors are added it's more interesting. I like how I can see the blue underneath a lot of the other colors here. The Stallion.
Modern Painting Yellow Black Waiter
Green and yellow have always been friends. A little bit of blue, even less red, some orange, the smallest splash of what appears to be a light red-based purple and then there is black. Bravo! This one is called Waiter. It's serious looking to me but not unhappy, thoughtful, serene, interesting, I love this one.

Contemporary Art Blue Orange P ainting Alligator
This one is a truly superb ! It is named Alligator.The orange is so rich the blue is also very rich. I would like to buy some of these paintings but who would have the ability to choose from such a collection?!? I mean seriously look at that pink on the left in the bottom half.Check out how the bottom half of this painting is blue with a bit of green layered on top with a little black and a tannish looking color. It's wonderful. LOOK at that RED!

  And if I want to ever finish writing this post I really should keep away from the website. Click Here ;)
This one is dark looking and is called Magistrate I love it because, yes it is dark, but It still has beautiful color. The red the blue the play around with white, gray, and black. I
love this one!
abstract mixed media collage journeyman
Journeyman. Another late addition. (I know I'm bad) But look at the creamy pink/tan like background and the black , white, and grey mix around! I couldn't just leave this one out in the rain!(That is especially funny because it really is raining very hard at the moment :P ) Would you want to see a painting cry for being great yet still not being chosen? I know I wouldn't. I HAVE to bring up the little sky blue in the center of this brilliant painting. It's great, huh? All alone looking all cute and independent. :D 
mantle abstract art yellow orange painting 24 x 24" | Shawn McNulty
 Name: Mantle. This one is quite the beauty. It's pretty mellow. The colors mixed here are very nice. Such as  the brown/yellow upper half with it's little bit of pure white spots in different places. I see a few streaks of orange and green. This painting is just tastefully done. Can you really go wrong using mostly orange, red, and green
shiver blue abstract art landscape painting textured 30x30
Say "Hello" to Shiver. Very nice, eh? Looks like a calm ocean painting with seagulls flying all around . This was one of the first paintings that I saw it's mostly blue, pretty, simple, and very pleasing to look at.
navy blue abstract art painting stringer marine
Maybe I'm a little nutty but this one makes me think of a Shark Attack! Because of the way that the red is spread out, the dark gray is my ideal color of a Great White, and the painting just looks violent. Don't you just love that blue? That is my favorite shade of blue. The name of this one is Stringer.
abstract painitngs robot life
Robot Life! Which by the way is an awesome name for this painting because those are absolutely robots lol although the shade of the green one looks a bit zombie-ish to me. The textured black in the backdrop with blue and a little red in it is just plain awesome looking. And the yellow robot Haha I like all of those mini blocks on his face
modern painting crocodile black red 24 x 24"
This one is ... a mess but a beautiful mess! I love this one. I love that dripped paint look. The name of this is Crocodile It is absolutely one of my favorites. Pretty dark looking. I really like how much white was used in this painting.
El Mariachi Blue Abstract Art
El Mariachi is the name of this collection here the whole collection is here including this painting and the two that follow. What is the main reason why we love this painting? Two words ; BLUE and BLACK! WOOOHOOO ; D You know how Picasso went through a "Blue Period"?  I want a whole Blue Period room and paintings like these certainly would help. ;)
El Mariachi Blue Contemporary Art
This one is very pretty. The way that the blue and white were intermingled was excellent. And on the bottom corner on the right hand there looks like there is a  silhouette woman with a gray shawl on and to her left a very large cat. Notice the very small amount of red on here? very nice touch.
El Mariachi Blue Modern Art
This one looks like one of those glass rooms that the scientist use under the water to live so that they can see the ocean all around them. I'm not sure if they look anything like this but hey, it's art!(I have always wanted to be in one of those) The little bit of red in here I really like.
I really like this painting :) Maybe not the gray cement looking block as much but this is still a beautiful painting. The upper half is stunning with the mostly yellow like orange with some bright orange, deep red, along with some green, even some pink. Now that we half covered the upper half take a look at the bottom half of this painting starting with the block on the left hmmm (^.^) I think that I am in love with that blue, so deeply in love with it. <3 Moving onto the next block, I like this one it breaks away from the look of squares and splattered paint (I did make it clear that I love that, right?) so it is a very pleasant addition. The burgundy there is gorgeous it's so very pretty and I really like the all the white in there. I've already mentioned the gray block, eh not my favorite. It has some nice lines through it that look a lot like music lines and the two yellow lines were a great touch. But I still am not really feeling that block. The black block beneath I really love I mean seriously that blue/green is breathtaking it's like a darker version of that little blue beauty on the other end. The name of it is Formality.

Nonetheless Blue Green Abstract Landscape 36x36 | Shawn McNulty
 This blue is superb I love it! There is so much of it  and it is so rich. The sky looks moody and awesome. The name of this work of art is Nonetheless that's an epic name for a painting, isn't it?

matthew large green blue abstract art painting 48x48
 My favorite little splash of color in here would have to be that yellow on  the bottom half of the painting right in the center. The red along with the yellow against the green backdrop is super cool looking (I was going to say fabulous but that word seemed to ... feminine for a painting called Matthew). And cast your eyes upon that delicious blue on the upper half of the painting. Beautiful. Who knows maybe the artist will send me any of his works that he felt weren't all that for free (You know how artist can be such perfectionist).

purple yellow abstract painting art controversy prince vikings

 Hmm, this one is extremely pleasant. You know that something is beautiful when is forces you to re-evaluate the things that you have already decided that you like or dislike. Look at that purple there. Wow, oh wow. I love it! The little swipes of blue, the rectangular block of that soft and quiet orange the green that goes so well this purple.  The name of this particular painting is Controversy. Which is pretty funny seeing what I had just written above. Me, at that time, not knowing the name of this painting.

So that is over ( :  I'm glad of it because I started on this post weeks ago (It feels like months). I have yet to see another abstract artist who fits my preferences more perfectly. 
 Again if you would like to know the prices of these paintings or you would like to simply see more of them then please click here --> Shawn McNulty Abstract Paintings.
Also another little plus that I found is this website called screened that has some of these paintings on t-shirts!  If you know you maybe like me can't afford the painting but still would like to hold the art in your hands for a closer view. Nothing beats the real original work though I am overly sure.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Whole Month and Thanksgiving

Hello, my good and faithful blog readers! It has been exactly one whole month since I last made a post on this blog. Can you believe that? Well it's mainly because the internet loves being slow and I lack the patience to put up with it. So, instead of sitting at a computer that makes me groan and complain, I've just been doing other things with my time that I enjoy more. But I have been working on this one post with a bunch of great artist from this one guy but the post is HUGE (I've had to adjust the size of it several times). I can a very hard time choosing what I like sometimes, you know, narrowing everything down? It gets worse when I have to only pick one. >.< 

I'm looking forward to my turkey-less Thanksgiving this year! Literally on the box of the fake turkey it said "turkey-less"(This makes me wonder if it should be called "turkey" at all). It looks a bit unappetizing to me but they had samples at the store and it was actually pretty good.Thank you Trader Joe's Thus saying we bought one and it currently lies in the freezer waiting to be devoured by hungry vegans on the Thanksgiving day of the Native Americans and the Not So Native Americans.

Also a huge highlight to this thanksgiving will be the addition of Daiya Cheese :D YAY! I just looked it up and apparently a store named Raley's sells it. Which is great because Mac & Cheese beats that turkey on a cashew cheese day! Also my sister Breah will be providing us with the best vegan cheesecake that you could ever put into your mouth!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Leaf Art

Out for a walk yesterday with my sister and our two dogs and we couldn't help but notice how all the trees are changing. Everything is getting so pretty ( : I mean every season has it's own unique beauty but it's FALL right now! It's weird but whenever fall comes around I all of a sudden want to change my favorite colors to oranges and reds and yellows but of course I don't cuz that'd be bonkers (hehe bonkers). But seriously it's awesome looking lately so here's a little tribute to fall (: