Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Whole Month and Thanksgiving

Hello, my good and faithful blog readers! It has been exactly one whole month since I last made a post on this blog. Can you believe that? Well it's mainly because the internet loves being slow and I lack the patience to put up with it. So, instead of sitting at a computer that makes me groan and complain, I've just been doing other things with my time that I enjoy more. But I have been working on this one post with a bunch of great artist from this one guy but the post is HUGE (I've had to adjust the size of it several times). I can a very hard time choosing what I like sometimes, you know, narrowing everything down? It gets worse when I have to only pick one. >.< 

I'm looking forward to my turkey-less Thanksgiving this year! Literally on the box of the fake turkey it said "turkey-less"(This makes me wonder if it should be called "turkey" at all). It looks a bit unappetizing to me but they had samples at the store and it was actually pretty good.Thank you Trader Joe's Thus saying we bought one and it currently lies in the freezer waiting to be devoured by hungry vegans on the Thanksgiving day of the Native Americans and the Not So Native Americans.

Also a huge highlight to this thanksgiving will be the addition of Daiya Cheese :D YAY! I just looked it up and apparently a store named Raley's sells it. Which is great because Mac & Cheese beats that turkey on a cashew cheese day! Also my sister Breah will be providing us with the best vegan cheesecake that you could ever put into your mouth!